This blog is a companion to, a project about AIDS, Poverty and Faith in Mamelodi South Africa.  In this blog I describe my experience photographing in South Africa. The purpose of this blog is to be as transparent as possible as a documentary photograher.

Support for those suffering in Dallas, TX

Posted in Stateside by Nathan Clendenin on February 4th, 2008

Recently, a woman named Chastity Kirven contacted me through this blog – asking if I could mention a need that she is working to help out with in Dallas, TX. She is mentioned in this article, and there’s a portion of her email below as well. Please consider supporting Chastity’s fight for Food Pantry Program.

My story is simple. I read an article about the food pantry program losing it’s funding and the program keeps thousands of people alive every year. Some of those people where successful and after being diagnosed with HIV fell to poverty. They can’t afford the medicine and lost everything trying to stay alive! I decided to not only be sad about what I read but to do something about it.

I have no link to this except for being human and not wanting anyone to die or being hungry if I could help in some way. At some point in your life, you can complain that the world is a horrible place but at some point you have to take responsiblity if you have not done anything to make it better. That’s my story and why I am pushing to support this issue.

You can donate directly online to the to the resource center and I have enclosed the link below:

Support Chastity’s fight for Food Pantry Program

The donation amounts range from $15.00 to to $1000.00. After donating online, email the resorce center about your donation and you that you would like your donation to go to the food pantry program. Also, you can mail your donation to the Resouce Center: (Checks payable to Resource Center Dallas)

“Supporting Chastity’s fight for Food Pantry Program”
in care of Resorce Center Dallas
PO Box 190869
Dallas, TX 75219-086

Thank you again for your help with this issue. We are saving lives! It’s that critical…


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