This blog is a companion to, a project about AIDS, Poverty and Faith in Mamelodi South Africa.  In this blog I describe my experience photographing in South Africa. The purpose of this blog is to be as transparent as possible as a documentary photograher.

Kruger National Park

Posted in General Posts by Nathan Clendenin on August 14th, 2005

On Friday we (Vincent and family) hopped in the donkey (the affectionate term for the rental car) and headed north for Kruger National Park, home to many wild animals including the “Big Five”. On the way we saw some beautiful sites including a natural bridge and a wonderful view of the mountains called “God’s Window.” We spent the night about 50 km from the park and got up early on Saturday to hit the park when the animals were out and about. From the car we saw some amazing animals including: lions, hippos, giraffes, zebras, buffalo (quite different looking here), monkeys, baboons, warthogs, jackals, antelope, wildebeests, and most definitely some elephants. We actually got into a high speed chase with the elephant you see above; apparently the donkey upset him and since they never forget anything, we didn’t come back that way!
Vincent, his wife Gloria, and daughter Busi were packed in the car with my gear. It was quite a long day, especially with a 4-hour drive to get back to Mamelodi. But it was well worth it, to say the least. Now that I’ve gotten most of the playing out of the way, I am very anxious to get started on the remaining thesis work. In 5 days Vincent and I will photograph and interview a grandmother and the orphan children of her two deceased daughters, the gravedigger and more funerals, a woman valiantly living with AIDS, a prostitute and anything else that comes up. Like Vincent says about services at his church, “We plan, but sometimes God steps in.” I am expecting a great (and busy) week.

Originally Posted on Vicarious Summer Blog

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One comment to " Kruger National Park "

  1. michelle says:

    My goodness. Very cool pics dude.

    August 14th, 2005 at 10:28 pm